Friday, July 23, 2010

11 Tools Reflection

1. I really enjoyed the generators and mashups. I think it would be fun for students to create a poem and use these to illustrate and add a little to the poem. I am so excited about having the iTouches in my classroom. I know that I will have students using different apps for fun interactive learning. There is always an app for everything which will be perfect for differentiation with the iTouches. I would love to incorporate Skype into a lesson. Students could Skype with other students at the same school or maybe we could work with a different school to have "pen pals."

2. I know that the way students learn has change and therefore the way we go about teaching must also change. I have always tried to incorporate technology whenever I can. For example, one year my class went on a nature walk after a unit of plants and insects and instead of going and taking notes in a journal, I had each pair of students take a digital camera that I checked out from the library and take pictures of things that they found interesting on our walk. Once we got back to the classroom, we had a lesson on how to use powerpoint and then students had a work station where they worked with a partner to create a powerpoint. I feel like they enjoyed this and were excited to present their projects to the class. I will make a conscious effort to incorporate technology whenever I can.

3. This program was very beneficial to me. It introduced me to a lot of things that I had no idea were out there. I like Google Docs and will definitely use this in the future. My team has already decided we will use Google Docs to create our newsletters. I cannot think of anything unexpected that happened throughout this program.

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